It's what we all want.

What if I told you it IS possible

Actually, really possible.

Together We can
Heal the Past, Embrace the Present

and Explore Possibilities.

Hi, I'm Beth, and I believe in Serendipity.

Experiencing struggle and levels of grief and trauma are common and part of the human experience. Working through our stories can lead to purpose and meaning, even creating space to support others on their journey.

Unable to find form

That's what happened for me.

I was so compelled to release the old stories that held me back.

This is why I stand here before you able to help.

I didn't want my past to control my present or future any longer.

I’m here now, whole, and wanting to help you and others move through their stories too.

Finding my own path to healing and growth, I recognized that "talk therapy" wasn't the only answer, and I was driven to explore alternative solutions. As part of my commitment, I embarked on shifting the narrative surrounding grief, trauma and healing. Now, I invite you to a safe and empowering space for your transformational journey, where you can begin a new chapter of your story.

Individual Therapy

Your story matters and whatever you are experiencing is valid. We have all experienced some type of struggle in life. Being witnessed is one of the most potent medicines.

I am a Licensed Clinical Social worker and I integrate therapy (EMDR), energy work and yoga to guide my clients as they heal the past, find ways to be present and create vision and possibility.


Check out all the ways we can be together in community and connection.

Community Conversations, Yoga Nidra, Grief Yoga and more

Gather • Connect • Learn • Act

Do You Ever...

- Feel like you're going to break if anything else is added to your plate? Like it could all fall apart at any given minute?

-Feel like the to-do list never endsFeel like you spend all day looking after everyone else?

-Constantly feellike you have to please everyone else - but not yourself?

-Feel angry, grumpy, frustrated without warning; you're triggered seemingly without cause?

-Feel as though things are out of your control?

-Feel like an imposter - wearing a "mask" to hide who you really are?


If you could be "patiently present" in the moment.

If you could find relief from frustrations and conflict?

If you could experience great relationships?

While our stories may be different, I deeply empathize and wholeheartedly connect with the grief and trauma many of us carry. If the stories connected to your past are controlling your present, I can help.

Together We can shift the narrative.

The past is in the past - it doesn't have to be your present and future too.

It can feel as though Grief and Trauma are ever present, strong and powerful - it's time to shift that reality.

We can't change or control what happened in the past

but we can control how it affects today by shifting the relationship with our beliefs, emotions and experiences.

We can reframe our stories of pain, grief and trauma to love, connection and healing. All of this results in a powerful shift in perspective.

It's incredibly difficult to do this alone Together We can navigate and heal the stories of the past, pause to embrace the present and be curious and empowered towards the hope and possibility of the future.


My unique combination of these modalities enables my clients to fully work through their stories connected to grief and trauma.


Bringing together therapy, EMDR, yoga, breath-work, and energy healing,I create a space where you can feel safe to show up exactly as you are, at that moment - authentically YOU.

Working together we will connect your stories and experiences to start to make sense of them. Each story, each experience, each relationship from our past creates thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. These thoughts and beliefs connect to certain emotions in our minds and bodies.

In the present moment, our nervous system calibrates towards what we experienced as adverse or traumatic from the past. Our nervous system doesn't know the difference - it can't tell if it was 10 years ago or now - so in the moment your system subconsciously believes it is re-living the experience -

I teach and guide people how to identify their thoughts, emotions, and sensations in their bodies so they can be super aware in the moment. In the present, TOGETHER WE create new experiences within the mind, emotions, and sensations in the body. This shift recalibrates the whole system towards something new so we can reframe and create a desired future.

Together, one step at a time.


Navigating the teenage years can be overwhelming, so I created Life School 360 to support, connect and empower teenagers and families through challenging times.



Life School 360

"I feel good, happy and ready for the next stage in my life. And I love the comfort of having the videos to look back on whenever I need."



When I Plant Seeds

When I Plant Seeds

May 13, 20232 min read

Dear Friends,

Today, I bought myself some flowers. 1- because I wanted to give myself a gift. 2- to bring beauty into my home and 3- as a reminder to literally pause & smell the flowers.

When you plant a seed- It needs attention with water & sun. In time- something grows. Sometimes it’s what you expected and sometimes it’s unexpected.

This is the same in life-

A lot of “seeds” I planted are being revealed into growth. I am intentionally pausing so I don’t let the beauty just pass by without savoring what I notice. What I love most is that all these moments and experiences embody the essence of "together". Together's not about's all of of us.

  • Last year I had an idea to go to a ski town for a month. I'm celebrating my experince and how I feel after spending a month working & skiing in Park City. I feel connection, inclusivity, kindness and fun.


  • What feels like a long time ago- I planted a seed of intention to lead a retreat with Tuesday’s Children. For a little over a year, I have been supporting an incredibly special group of young adults- all have a parent who died 9/11. There is no end to grief- yet our relationship to the painful emotions can shift and alchemize to more love and connection. The retreat was this past weekend and I’m celebrating the magic and the possibilities. The experience was sacred, expressive, healing, peaceful (and so much more!)


  • Partnerships are being created to bring Life School 360 to organizations and schools. Supporting teens, families and communities who feel stress and anxiety feels meaningful, inspiring and hopeful. Curious about Life School for your teen, family or community? Learn more here: Life School 360 

I’m part of a couple community events where people are open and authentic in relation to mental health and how to bring AWARENESS and take different ACTION. Check these out and hope to see you there!

  • Middle Meets - created and moderated by Georgette Pascale Please join us for a night of education, real talk and tips about teens and mental health and- cocktails, mocktails and light food Wednesday 4/21 from 6- 8 in Fairfield, CT-


  •  Havyn Health Summit invites anyone interested in wellness to come together at HAYVN for an afternoon of discovery, connection and learning— The main event of the day will be a panel with speakers. You will also have a chance to indulge with delicious healthy food, drinks and get access to a number of vendors who will be showcasing their businesses. Monday 4/24 from 4-7 in Darien, CT

These are all examples of relationships that begin with seeds of service, a desire to help -mixed with trust, patience and action.

What is some growth you notice from seeds planted? And, what are some seeds you desire to plant in this present moment? Together we are creating hope and possibilities

With Gratitude,


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