Life is uncertain. It’s challenging.

It doesn’t come with a handbook..

LifeSchool 360 is a dynamic resource for teens, young adults, parents, schools, and organizations.

Together, we raise awareness, create a sense of belonging and acceptance, and develop strategies to thrive in a complex world.

As parents and caregivers, our most universal desires are for connection and safety with our children. However, today's world makes this incredibly challenging. We often feel overwhelmed and burnt out- not knowing what to do. We want our kids to get off screens and come to the dinner table.

Life School 360 responds to these challenges by providing you with time, tools, and a space to move from stress to calm, helping you support your family from a full cup. And- to be with people who really get it!

Are you a parent who is:

  • Stressed about your teen and the impact of social media?

  • Worried about how much to get involved? How much do I let go?

  • Walking on eggshells wondering which version of your teen will show up?

  • Anxious and worried about your kid and their every move: tracking them, asking a gazillion questions, and over-scheduling.

  • Concerned about the choices they are making?

  • Trying to keep it all together and feeling so busy all the time?

What is Life School 360?

Life School will give YOU permission to show up - with all your questions, frustrations and celebrations, It’s a community to connect with like hearted adults who are also craving for something different, something better. Life School 360 is here to help you and your family navigate these turbulent times. We give children tools to go to school, try a new sport, or start a new hobby. We must also give them tools to navigate their inner world- to understand their minds, emotions and bodies so they can respond and thrive in their lives.

We offer you the same!

Parents Always Ask: What Should I do?

Feeling overwhelmed and stuck as parents and caregivers can be exhausting.

But, before we address how to best deal with complex children, let's start with our complex selves.

In our messaging and behaviors, are we modeling healthy attitudes and choices for our kids?

We cannot change or control what happened in the past. We cannot control others and we cannot control what happens in the world, but we can control our actions, intentions and responses to life.

Life school emboldens you to cultivate tools to create a healthy, joyful life.

How does Life School 360 work?

Life School’s unique components – group sessions and individual practice – combine to drive positive and consistent growth. Individual work taps a treasure trove of online content, with exercises, practices and strategies to implement on one’s own time and in one’s own space. The online platform offers journal reflections, videos with movement, meditations and breathing techniques, among other activities. Importantly, the different modalities both respect and respond to different kinds of learners.

There is a seismic shift as individuals move through the Life School process. Discovering that everyone is trying to ‘figure it out’ gives permission to look at oneself honestly, with compassion and greater awareness.

Our program helps you understand your children's developmental stages and you will learn about the concept of Whole Health- the mental, physical, and emotional layers of your system. Gaining awareness of why and how we react to experiences will give you perspective and a new lens to view yourself as a parent and how and why your children are showing up the way they are.

It’s so common to feel like you are walking on eggshells- which version of your child is going to show up when they walk through the door, on the phone or when picking up after an activity? How does this affect you? How can you stay present to support them when you are feeling so frustrated by the predictable unpredictability.

Why Now?

If not NOW, then when ? OR

Why NOT Now?

We know that worrying about our kids can feel constant. Do you wonder if "it's probably just a phase," but deep down you're worried and just don't know what to do? The harder you push to help, the more they pull away, often leaving us feeling helpless .

Our children are growing up in a completely different world. Imagine being a teen or young adult today, where any picture, action or word may be posted online for everyone to see. Having a peer group is instrumental during this time, yet the way friend groups and group chats fluctuate—(am I in or out??) has significant effects. The uncertainty regarding school safety, the experience of being isolated, impacts of the pandemic, and of social media have led to increased depression, anxiety, suicidal ideation, and self-harm.

We MUST approach these significant issues with a different strategy. First, let's agree that we, as adults, are also significantly affected by all of this. How can we expect our children, still developing cognitively, physically, and emotionally, to manage all of this when we feel our own worry and stress? There is possibility, there is relief and you are not alone. The best gift you can give the people you love is your presence. We simply cannot be present if we are multitasking, questioning the past or focusing on the future. We all want to be seen, heard and understood.

LifeSchool 360 gives you the tools to make consistent and powerful changes

When we create these shifts there is more time and space for what we also desire - more joy, play and laughter!

Life School 360 is the tool to help you do just that, fostering a healthier, more supportive environment for everyone. Join us and take the first step towards a more connected and resilient family.

A framework that works

This is your space


Life School 360, a proactive solution, fills the gap by providing a space for adults and their teens that goes beyond mental health to integrate the mind, emotions, body, breath & intuition.

Adults and Teens meet separately.

Kids and adults often think they are the only one experiencing stress & anxiety.

During our group sessions, the moment someone bravely expresses a feeling or an experience, it feels like an exhale. It's like they arrived in a safe place and can begin to get to know themselves in new ways.

Participants, both teens and adults begin experiencing shifts. They gain levels of awareness and acceptance of themselves and others.

They know they are coming to a place that feels like "home", a place they can connect with others with less judgement and more compassion

An interactive curriculum to support and guide you to shift from stress and anxiety towards calm, confidence and connection.

Multiple layers of challenges require multiple layers of solutions. Life School 360 reflects this theory by integrating a Whole Health approach.

Mind, Emotions, Body, Breath & Intuition.

When these are aligned and work in tandem, magic happens.

Your Permission Slip

Your Mind

Your Emotions

Your Body

Your Breath

Your Intuition

Each branch includes engaging modalities with videos, corresponding activities and practices such as:

  • Introduction with information to topics

  • Journal prompts

  • Yoga/movement exercises or practices

  • Breathing techniques

  • Guided rest and relaxation

  • Suggestions for practicing, playing, and cultivating connections

Benefits include:

  • Heightening self-awareness, calm, resilience and confidence

  • Developing skills and strategies to navigate challenges and establish healthy boundaries

  • Tools to cultivate authentic connections with friends and family

  • Learning to regulate emotions with a focus on compassion, forgiveness, and tolerance

  • Feeling seen, heard and understood

  • Restoring a sense of balance, fulfillment, and joy

  • Making friends with others who ‘get it.’

Maintaining confidentiality and creating a safe space is of utmost importance

Maintaining confidentiality and creating a safe space for sharing is of utmost importance

A Little About Me.....

I have spent the past 25 years working in schools as a social worker, in private practice and in collaboration with organizations and programs.

On some level, especially since the pandemic, we have all experienced grief and adversity in our lives.

My own journey motivated me to specialize in this field of expertise and I bring LifeSchool 360 to you as an intentional proactive resource.I am proud to be able to contribute in a way that helps both families and communities navigate the waters of the storm


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